Send us your CV

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- permitted file formats DOC, DOCX, PDF, TXT and RTF

Please do not forget to state in your CV: Your contact information, level of education, work experience to date or other skills (languages, PC).


I declare that the facts stated here are true. I further agree that Wikov may process my personal information listed above for exercising the rights and obligations ensuing from its position and other personnel work. To this effect I also understand that personal information provided by me may also be transferred abroad within the Wikov holding in accordance with the above purpose of processing and the requirements of Law No. 101/2000 Coll. on the protection of personal information. I provide this consent for an indefinite period.

Completion date: 22. 2. 2025

By submitting the form I agree with the processing of my personal data in order to exercise the rights and obligations arising from Wikov's status and for further personnel work. These data may also be transferred within the Wikov holding and abroad. For more information on the scope and manner of processing your personal information for this purpose, please see here.